AfricaMath Repository

A number of efforts to promote and develop mathematics in Africa have been done, and continue to be done by our friends and cooperating partners in addition to home grown programmes. The following list is by no means exhaustive.

1.       e-Math for Africa ( ) gives news relevant to African and Low-Income Country mathematicians regarding journals, books and databases as well as potential funding opportunities.

2.       The African Mathematics Millennium Science Initiative (AMMSI): This is a distributed network of mathematics research, training and promotion throughout sub-Saharan Africa with five Regional Offices located in Botswana, Cameroon, Kenya, Nigeria and Senegal. Among other activities, AMMSI support Research visits, Scientific meetings, Postgraduate programmes, and run a Mentoring of African Research in Mathematics (MARM) Programme. For more information please visit


3.       The European Mathematical Society Committee for Developing Countries (EMS-CDC).  This is a committee of the EMS involved in the promotion of mathematics in the developing countries. For more on its activities, please visit In this vein, the committee works alongside:-


4.       The Commission for Developing Countries (CDC) of the International Mathematics Union (IMU):;


5.       International Center for Pure and Applied Mathematics (CIMPA):;


6.       International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM):; and


7.       The London Mathematical Society:


Masamu Lectures and Presentations

O. Gaoue
Matrix Population Models: Deterministic and stochastic dynamics
Markov Sequence R-file
Integral Projection Model: Why, how, and what for?
Integral Projection Paper
IPM Matlab Codes
IPM R Codes
Size Specific Paper
Size Specific Paper Supplement A
Size Specific Paper Supplement B
Stochastic Stable Paper
Modeling the Short and Long-Term Effects of Wild Plants Harvest by Local People